Team Members
A Team Member is Person to whom you've granted special permission to use the Admin Dashboard and/or Field Organizer App.
Every Team Member is assigned a Roles, with a set of Permissions that determine what they can can't see and do as administrators, and a Scope. By default, the account creator is granted the Admin role, which includes every Permission available on the platform. The lowest of these default Roles, Volunteer, simply grants that Team Member access to the workflows to which you've invited them.
The number of Team Members that you can have is determined by your Billing Plan. People can be added or removed as Team Members at any time.
Setting up your team
In order to add or remove Team Members, one must have access to the "Manage Team" permission. You will only be able to modify Team Members within your Scope, who have equal or lesser permissions than you. Team Members with access to view or manage the Team, will see the Team tab in the Settings section of the Admin Dashboard.

From the Manage Team page, you can see all Team Members and their current status. The table breaks down whether the invited Team Member has accepted the invitation to join, or whether you're still waiting for them to complete the sign-up. From the "..." button at the right, you can edit the the Role and Scope of a Team Member, resend them the invitation to join via email or SMS, and revoke their access.

To add a Team Member, click the Add Team Member button and complete the form in the modal overlay. Every Team Member must already exist is a Person in your database before you can add them. Search and select a Person to add to your Team, and then select a Role and Scope to assign them. Finally, decide whether you want to invite the Person via SMS or email and submit the form.

When a new Team Member is invited, they will be sent a text or email with a special link they can use to join the Team.

When they click the link, they will be asked to create a Solidarity account with an email and password. This email and password are the credentials that the Team Member will need to use to login to both the Admin Dashboard and the Field Organizer App. After creating their account, the new Team Member will be redirected to the Admin Dashboard or the App Store, depending on whether they signed up from a computer or mobile device.
If they already have a Solidarity account with another organization, they will be able to join your Team with just a click
Team Member Groups
Sometimes it makes sense to group Team Members together if for example, they are all working on a temporary campaign, or if you want to measure their progress collectively. In order to do this, create a Team Member Group and add the Team Members you want to group together.

Updated about 1 month ago