Concepts & Terms
Below is a set of terms and ideas that you should familiarize yourself with before beginning to use Solidarity Tech. We'll cover these ideas in more detail throughout the documentation, but this overview should be enough to wrap your head around the key concepts.
Three Interfaces
- Admin Dashboard: This is the command center for your entire organization, and can be accessed at All resources (Websites and Pages, Events, Phonebanks, etc.) can be created, updated, and monitored from the Admin Dashboard.
- Field Organizer Mobile App: This is where a lot of the day-to-day organizing happens. You can download the iOS or Android app at Phonebank and textbank workflows are completed through the app.
- Rank-and-File Facing Content: This is the content that all your supporters experience. Pages on your website, and emails, calls, and texts sent from your organization.
People: A contact in your database. Every record should have either a phone number or an email address on record, although you are permitted to add People without contact information. We may use the terms "supporter" or "user" interchangeably with "Person" in this documentation.
Team Members: Your volunteer and staff organizers who have access to the Admin Dashboard and Field Organizer App. Every Team Member must also have a record in your People database.
Resource: An interactive object belonging to your Organization. An exhaustive list of Resources in Solidarity Tech: People, Events, Email Blasts, Text Blasts, Websites, Pages, Phonebanks, Textbanks, and Donations.
Scope: Every Resource has a Scope, which determines who has access to view or modify the resource. The Scope is either a "Chapter" or an "Organization."
Chapter: Every Person must belong to a single Chapter. Alongside the creation of your account was created a default Chapter and Organization. Chapters are used to logically sort your resources and for access control (eg. so local Team Members of the Los Angeles Chapter of a national organization only have access to Los Angeles resources). A Chapter is assigned to a new Person either manually or geographically by postal code.
Organizations: A collection of chapters that make up a logical grouping. For example, Organization "Rideshare Drivers United - California" consists of all Chapters in California (Rideshare Drivers United Los Angeles, Rideshare Drivers United - Bay Area, etc.). The top Organization under which all subsequent Organizations and Chapters belong, is called your Root Organization.
Solidarity Tech is designed to be mobile phone first: In order to develop deep relationships with supporters, we must get to know them personally. Ideally, these relationships are built face-to-face, but oftentimes phone calls and texts are the best stepping stone for moving a relationship from online to offline. Email remains a vital communication medium in Solidarity Tech, but we highly encourage organizers to include a phone number for every Person they add to their database.
Every Chapter gets a local phone number: Upon creating your organization you chose a default area code for your first Chapter, and a local phone number with this area code was acquired for you. You can create new Chapters with different area codes if you're running multiple local campaigns. Alternatively, you can have a create a new chapter which re-uses the local phone number for a different Chapter.
Every Person belongs to a Chapter: Every Person record added to your Root Organization must necessarily belong to a Chapter.
Consistent phone number: Every call or text made to a Person, will come from the phone number of the Chapter to which they belong. This provides a consistent medium of communication between the Person and your Organization at all times.
For People, phone number is the primary key, email is secondary key: Every phone number must only be associated with a single Person record. If no phone number is provided for a Person, their email address will be used as their primary key. The same email can be attached to multiple People in your database, but this typically a signal that you have a duplicate People records that should be merged.
Updated 18 days ago