Demands allow you to understand the interest your members have in different campaign issues. You can use Demands to constantly survey your membership and gauge in real-time what it is your supporters are ready to fight for. The voting results for all Demands are visible from the Demands tab.

Vote Scales
Support scale
A demand created with a support scale allows People to vote on a demand on a scale from "Don't Support" to "Strongly Support."
1-5 Numerical options
A demand with 1-5 numerical options scale allows People to vote on demands using a custom numerical scale set by the organization, as in the example below.
Ranked-Choice Voting
Oftentimes, only asking supporters to vote on issues individually will give you an incomplete picture of what issues are relatively most important to them. To address this gap, you can ask them to sort the issues they care about most, and read the results via a Ranked Choice Voting tabulation.
When adding a Demands for your contacts to vote on within a Form, you can select either "Demand Multiple Choice Vote" or "Demand Ranked Vote." Ranked choice voting allows your supporters sort the issues they care about most.
Adding on a page
To have People vote on your Demands, you must add the Demands into the Form section of a Page. Once you've created a Page, navigate to the Form tab and select the "Add New Form Field" dropdown.
You can add the Demands to vote on - either "Demand Multiple Choice Vote" or "Demand Ranked Vote" - alongside any other form fields you'd like to add.
Updated about 1 month ago