Import People

The bulk importer is the easiest way to import a large number of contact in your database quickly. You can also manually add contacts one at a time.

Importing From A File

We've made it easy to import your contacts into Solidarity Tech from a spreadsheet or different CRM. The first step is to convert your contact data into a CSV file.

In this article, you'll learn how to use our import tool to add and update contacts in Solidarity Tech.

Before You Start

Solidarity Tech pricing is based on the number of contacts and the plan tier. If your import brings your total contact count above the limit of your plan tier, you'll be warned before the import.

Formatting Your File

Ensure that your csv file meets the following requirements:

  1. The first row of your csv file must contain the column headers for the contacts
  2. Each record must have a unique phone number or unique email address.

Formatting for Custom User Property import

Custom User Properties can be imported using the label name of your options. If you have a custom user property like checkboxes that allows multiple options to be selected, use a string csv column, with the options separated by commas, for example if you have an Account Type custom property that has options "Current Driver", "Former Driver", and "Community Supporter", you can import a record with two options selected with this format: "Former Driver, Community Supporter"

Mapping Fields

After uploading your data, you will need to assign each column in the CSV with a field in Solidarity Tech. To assign

Before you can continue to the next step, every column must either be a) assigned to a matching field or 2) skipped.

Chapter Assignment

Basic Chapter Assignment

Select the chapter that you want the imported contacts to be assigned to.

Geographic Chapter Assignment

Leave this section blank if you belong to an organization with Geographic Chapter Assignment, and want the imported People to be assigned to chapters based on their postal code.

Require contact info for creation

Sometimes you may want to import People even if you don't yet have a phone number or email address to reach them at. Disable this option to allow contacts without a phone number or email.

Update existing records or not

If a Person already exists in your organization, their properties will be updated with the latest values provided in the CSV files. Disable this option to avoid updating People in the CSV that already exist.